Anne Joray Fayet


French & German
Backen süss & herzhaft Tägliches Kochen Varoma & All-in-One

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Thermomix® Experience

Je m'appelle Anne et découvrir le Thermomix® a été formidable pour moi. J'étais tellement enthousiaste et convaincue par le Thermomix® que j'ai immédiatement postulé pour devenir conseillère afin de pouvoir transmettre cet engouement. J’aimerais t’accompagner pour cuisiner rapidement, sainement, économiquement, simplement et de manière créative. Si tu souhaites vivre une expérience personnelle, je viendrai chez toi ou je t'accueillerai lors d’un atelier.  


Buy your Thermomix® TM6 with me.

Thermomix® TM6 - because cooking is a pleasure when everything works perfectly and the result is fantastic. Cookidoo® offers limitless suggestions and ideas for new cooking adventures and seasonal recipes. The Thermomix® TM6 combines more than 20 functions in one compact device.

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Seit mehr als 140 Jahren überzeugen unsere Produkte Millionen von Familien mit ihrer überlegenen, innovativen Technologie und ihrer sprichwörtlich langen Lebensdauer.

What is it? Book our free Welcome Service and your contact person will help you set up your Thermomix® on site or virtually and introduce you in detail to all its innovative functions. Your advisor will be happy to answer all your questions and will also be available to you personally in the future.
What is it? The purchase price includes a 2-year warranty. You have the option of taking out an additional warranty extension for a further 3 years.
What is it? It has two version one is Thermomix Friend® with Mixing Bowl TM6 and another one is Thermomix Friend® with Mixing Bowl TM5
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